About Droptop Community Apps
Last updated 10 months ago
Was this helpful?
Gets all the Community Apps of Droptop
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps'
{ "apps": [ { "App": { "id": 1, "uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "name": "text", "author": "text", "author_id": 1, "author_link": "example.com", "desc": "text", "version": "text", "official_link": "example.com", "direct_download_link": "example.com", "secondary_link": "example.com", "image_url": "example.com", "hidden": 1, "authorised_members": [ 1 ], "changelog": [ { "version": "text", "changenotes": "text" } ] } } ] }
Gets a specific Community App by id
A numeric id
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps/{id}'
{ "App": { "id": 1, "uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "name": "text", "author": "text", "author_id": 1, "author_link": "example.com", "desc": "text", "version": "text", "official_link": "example.com", "direct_download_link": "example.com", "secondary_link": "example.com", "image_url": "example.com", "hidden": 1, "authorised_members": [ 1 ], "changelog": [ { "version": "text", "changenotes": "text" } ] } }
Downloads a specific Community App by id
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps/{id}/download'
No body
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps/id'
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps/id/{id}'
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps/id/{id}/download'
Gets a specific Community App by name
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps/name'
A string
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps/name/{name}'
Downloads a specific Community App by name
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps/name/{name}/download'
Gets a specific Community App by uuid
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps/uuid'
An uuid
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps/uuid/{uuid}'
Downloads a specific Community App by uuid
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/community-apps/uuid/{uuid}/download'
Gets the number of downloads of a Community App
curl -L \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/downloads/community-apps/{uuid}'
{ "uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "downloads": 1 }
Adds one to the number of downloads of a Community App
curl -L \ --request POST \ --url 'https://api.droptopfour.com/v1/downloads/community-apps/{uuid}' \ --header 'Authentication: YOUR_API_KEY'